I learned some very valuable lessons while waiting tables at a busy restaurant in college. You have to stay on your toes and remember lots of details. If it is slow, do your side work so you can finish up faster. And the big one- never go empty handed. If you are walking back to the kitchen, grab any plates that need to be bussed. If you are heading out on the floor, see if any food is ready to go out. There is always something to do to help things run smoothly. You should never be walking around with nothing in your hands!
These same lessons have helped me in my everyday life. I never walk through my house empty handed. As I walk through the living room, I might spot some things that belong in the laundry room or kitchen so I scoop them up and drop them off on my way to the office. As I leave my daughter’s room, I spot the misplaced detangler so I return it to the bathroom on my way to take a shower. It is a constant game of returning things to their homes that just happens automatically and helps maintain things around the house. A little bit here and a little bit there means that things won’t pile up and get overwhelming.
It is a simple concept that takes a little getting used to, but makes a big difference. Next time you leave a room, just grab something that doesn’t belong there and put it where it goes. Don’t go empty handed when there are plenty of things to put away!