By just tossing away mail you don’t want, you are not solving the problem. If you don’t want it- stop getting it! Not only will you have a lot less mail to deal with on a daily basis, but it saves paper, postage, and effort. It can take some time to get yourself off of mailing lists- but it is well worth it.
Did you make a donation and then get flooded with requests from other charities? Reply to them all and politely ask to be removed from their mailing lists. There is no sense in charities continuing to contact someone who isn’t interested- and you will just keep getting more and more solicitations. Next time you make a donation, make sure you ask that your name not be sold or shared.
Are you getting mail from a previous resident? Return to Sender and tell them to remove the address from their mailing list. Getting mail for someone who is deceased? Let the sender know. Stop the cycle of misdirected mail rather than ignore it– because it can continue for years!
- To reduce unwanted catalogs and phone books, try Catalog Choice for free. It is quick and easy. You can also purchase the MailStop Shield which goes even further to get you off of mailing lists.
- DMA Choice and Opt Out Prescreen also offer ways to remove yourself from mailing lists.