A few days ago, our bathtub in “mommy’s bathroom” backed up during shower time for the kids. After various failed remedies, we just showered in “daddy’s bathroom” until we could get a plumber. Turns out both girls preferred it and I thought it was easier in the shower stall. It has a shower door that I always hated but my husband liked. It also has twice as many drawers than my slightly larger bathroom and an additional small storage wall cabinet. The wheels started turning. What I thought was a total inconvenience manifested into a complete bathroom switch and redecorating. Even though I had picked the other bathroom 6 years ago, the kids were older now, and we had different needs.
The next day, I went shopping for a few supplies like a new shower curtain and rod. I came home and took that shower door down! Rails and everything! I have never done something like that before, but I was really motivated. It felt so good to get rid of that awful shower door and put up a pretty shower curtain. Then I moved all the bathroom drawers to the living room to work on the switch. Clean everything out, purge, switch and organize. It was fun! My daughter even wanted to organize her new hair accessory drawer by herself.
My husband loves his “new” bathroom now and the girls love ours! This bathroom is a little smaller, but actually feels bigger because the storage better meets our needs. A week ago, this was nowhere on the agenda. But then a stopped up bath tub led to the realization that switching bathrooms would work better for everyone! You never know when a random event can lead to figuring out a better way to do things.